New funding programme to kickstart tech transfer projects to and from the space sector in Luxembourg

The ESA Spark Funding Luxembourg Open Call is a new programme which runs from 2024 to 2026 and intends to provide funding (€75 000 per project) to SMEs and larger companies based in Luxembourg to carry out a feasibility study for a potential technology transfer. This can involve either a

  • spin-in activity where a technology originally developed in a non-space sector is transferred to a space application, or a
  • spin-off activity where a technology developed for the space industry, such as (but not limited to) sensors, materials or electronics, is transferred to a non-space sector, such as transport, energy or health.

NB: Activities focusing on the utilization of satellite imagery data, GNSS data or satellite telecommunication capacity are outside the scope of spin-off activities.

ESA Spark Funding is intended to kick-start the design of a new product and/or service (at least a Minimal Viable version of it). It also contributes to technical de-risking, by involving the building and testing of a breadboard to verify the most challenging or critical requirements. On the business side, applicants are expected to carry out a market analysis in order to assess the business sustainability of the project. The final stage includes the elaboration of a business model and a roadmap to commercialisation. The entry level of the technology which forms the core of the application should be at least TRL 3.

A total of 8 projects of a maximum of 12 months’ duration will be selected over the 2024-2026 funding period. Applications may be submitted at any time but 2 cut-off dates will be announced each year in order to allow the evaluation and selection of projects. The evaluation cut-off dates for applications in 2024 are:

  • 23 May 2024
  • 31 October 2024

If you wish to explore further the conditions and opportunities offered by the ESA Spark Funding Luxembourg Open Call, we invite you to read the documents to be found at
The FAQ section may also assist you with specific questions you may have.



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