Créaction took part in the Economic Forum, an integral part of the State Visit to Portugal, on 10-13 May 2022
On 10-13 May 2022 Créaction's Managing Director, Jean-Paul Henry, and Administrative Manager, Maria Radulovic, participated in the Portugal-Luxembourg Economic Forum, which was an integral part of this year's official State Visit to Portugal.
The forum consisted of a mix of formal presentations, company visits, multisectoral seminars and a B2B programme and was organised jointly by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commercie and the Portuguese Investment and Foreign Business Agency (AICEP). Focusing on some of the key sectors of the future - digital economy, space, sustainable construction and tourism - the seminars were designed to strengthen economic relations between the two countries by, on the one hand, promoting Luxembourg companies wishing to access the Portuguese market and, on the other hand, facilitating new contacts with local companies.
A highlight of the company visit programme was a guided tour of LusoSpace, a high-tech engineering solutions company with a multidisciplinary team of top-level engineers, that designs, develops, prototypes, integrates and tests the most advanced and innovative technological systems and components in the space industry.
On the morning of the final day, Jean-Paul Henry took the podium during the multisectoral seminar programme focusing on space with a presentation of several cases of successful technology transfer from the space sector involving Entrepreneurship and Creativity and promoted by the ESA BASS (Business Applications).
The forum received the prestigious visit of HRH Grand Duke Henri and HRH Maria Teresa, together with the HE the President of Portugal. HRH Grand Duke Henri and Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gave the closing speeches, followed by presentations by the Minister of the Economy, Franz Fayot, the Minister of Finance, Yuriko Backes, the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Luc Frieden, and the President of the AICEP, Luís Castro Henriques.
The state mission concluded with an official reception on the terrace of the Lisboa Sud Hotel, hosted by the Grand Ducal couple in the honour of the President of Portugal.