Open call running from 2024 to 2026 offering grants of €75 000 to fund the technical and commercial feasibility of new space-non-space products and services ...

This new programme runs from 2024 to 2026 and intends to provide funding (€75 000 per project) to SMEs and larger companies based in Luxembourg to carry out a feasibility study for a potential technology transfer. This can involve either a

  • spin-in activity where a technology originally developed in a non-space sector is transferred to a space application, or a
  • spin-off activity where a technology developed for the space industry, such as (but not limited to) sensors, materials or electronics, is transferred to a non-space sector, such as transport, energy or health.

NB: Activities focusing on the utilization of satellite imagery data, GNSS data or satellite telecommunication capacity are outside the scope of spin-off activities.

ESA Spark Funding is intended to kick-start the design of a new product and/or service (at least a Minimal Viable version of it). It also contributes to technical de-risking, by involving the building and testing of a breadboard to verify the most challenging or critical requirements. On the business side, applicants are expected to carry out a market analysis in order to assess the business sustainability of the project. The final stage includes the elaboration of a business model and a roadmap to commercialisation. The entry level of the technology which forms the core of the application should be at least TRL 3.

A total of 8 projects of a maximum of 12 months’ duration will be selected over the 2024-2026 funding period. Applications may be submitted at any time but 2 cut-off dates will be announced each year in order to allow the evaluation and selection of projects. The evaluation cut-off dates for applications in 2024 are:

  • 23 May 2024
  • 31 October 2024

If you wish to explore further the conditions and opportunities offered by the ESA Spark Funding Luxembourg Open Call, we invite you to read the documents below (Invitation to Apply, Application Template, Draft Contract). The FAQ section may also assist you with specific questions you may have.


To apply, you must be a legal entity (a public law company / a private law company / an association, etc.) registered under the laws of Luxembourg. You must be headquartered in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and be fully compliant with Luxembourg tax and social security obligations.

The product developer may assign elements of work to the technology provider and/or a related customer. When acting in collaboration with other national or foreign entities, the applicant will be the sole contractor and will be fully responsible for managing the funding. To be eligible for contract award, the applicant must fulfil all the requirements specified in the Invitation to Apply.

ESA Spark Funding supports technical and commercial feasibility studies of a new product and/or service. They can involve a spin-in, i.e. the transfer of a technology originally developed for a non-space application to the space industry or a spin-off, i.e. the transfer of a space technology to a terrestrial application, e.g. in the animated film, construction, energy, health and transport sectors, etc.

Space technology eligible for ESA Spark Funding is understood as any technology that was developed or used for space applications, e.g. sensors, materials or electronics. Activities focusing solely on the utilization of satellite imagery data, GNSS data or satellite telecommunication capacity are outside the scope of spin-off activities. Other existing ESA programmes provide support in these cases.

Non-space markets include, but are not limited to, fields such as agriculture, construction, energy, environment, health, safety, transport, industry in general – in fact any market that has a direct terrestrial use.

Yes. Whilst the upper limit of ESA Funding is fixed per project (75 000€), the amount of co-funding is determined by the standard ESA rules and is based on whether you are an SME or a large company. Co-funding for an SME is 20% and 50% for a large company.

No. Applicants must declare that the submitted ESA Spark Funding project is not funded by the European Space Agency by any other means, e.g. an ESA call, ESA business incubators, etc.

Projects should last a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 12 months.

You may submit an application at any time during the period 2024-2026. Applications will be evaluated twice a year and cut-off dates for evaluation will be announced several months in advance on the CREACTION INT website.

An Application Template can be found above on this web page. This includes the Executive Summary, the Business Case and Technical Proposal as well as an Activity Proposal and Management Proposal covering a total of 16 pages. In addition, you are invited to submit a Business Model Canvas and any letter(s) or support and other relevant information about the activity of the applicant, as necessary. A cover letter and the Requirement Checklist should be signed by an authorized representative of the entity applying.

The evaluation of all received applications is managed locally by CREACTION INT and follows common ESA Spark Funding procedures. If the application is compliant with the formal requirements, applicants will be invited to give a presentation (10 minutes) to the ESA Spark Funding Luxembourg evaluation board. The evaluation will typically take place a few weeks after the submission deadline. The evaluation board consists of representatives of CREACTION INT, ESA, LSA and other experts. Please refer to the Invitation to Apply document for the evaluation criteria used.

Applicants receive 50% of funding at the beginning of the project upon signature of the ESA Spark Funding Luxembourg contract by both parties. The remaining 50% of the total amount will be paid after approval of the final report and acceptance of all deliverables due under the contract (for a project equal to or less than 12 months) and as soon as the ESA Technology Broker Luxembourg receives the funding from ESA.

The funding can be used to cover the costs that are necessary for the execution of the project. These costs must be incurred by the beneficiary during the contract period and recorded in its accounts. Costs must exclude VAT, interest owed and duties.


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